Thursday, May 17, 2012

Which are we...

Alive, created by Ovum and Spermatozoon

Fertilized through Love and Coition

Growth through a Decidual reaction

Proliferating and forming, Creating ladders

Of membranes and the placenta

 Human's are wondrous creatures produced in a magical, beautiful way.

Evolving into what we see today, learning  a new

Questioning everything we see, yet not caring how it comes to be

Nine months of feasting within the fruitlet 

A capsule which once was a mere germ cell as we...

Within development we could have been crushed, like 

A grape by a Nom from a cute fox or squirrel. 

But i digress...

A fetus to a child and child to an Infant

Expanding in every direction with happiness for each.

Absorbing anything we see, hear, feel as well as experience

Tis a fascinating thing, having and caring for a child.

Development psychologically is much harder to explain though... 

From a one-celled Zygote to Being born... Alive. Just Alive...

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