Saturday, May 12, 2012

Marvel Fans! ^-^/

Marvel: 1602

   Comic books have always been our choice in entertainment 
especially when it comes to collecting, trading and of course dreaming.
We could think up a million things we'd love about being a super hero,
fighting villains having super cool abilities. But the most recent finding
I have come across is called "Marvel: 1602" which contains our
favorite hero's from the 1960's in a way different era dating
exactly as the title states which is the Elizabethan era.
(Published in 2003) Now, in those times they obviously had
no idea what "super hero's" where therefore being accused of witchery 
and bred from the devil, unfortunately this is the situation
our favorite characters are in. And The world itself being threatened
by an unknown force and of course Doctor Doom!:)
Other favorite characters like, Nick fury, The X-Men, Fantastic Four
and Spider-Man as well as Magneto! Exciting i know...

Quite frankly i would recommend
this book to anyone who loves reading, although you mustn't have to like
comic books or any of the sort to love this. I highly suggest you at least try
this one out for size. I won't go in detail of the story line but expect
and amazing read over the uprising within our Marvel characters.
Being in 1602 they are entangled around the struggle
of Britain being terrorized and gaining stability for "Witch-bred"
individuals (Our hero's) and  fear of the planets destruction.
This being said i believe this is one of my more finer finds of readings,
author Neil Gaiman definitely proves to me that there is nothing
like having an old comic book idea and an even older history base theme.

Sincerely, Nintendo

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