Saturday, May 19, 2012


Raised at the edge
Full of color and wonder
Therefore I am
The rain helped nourish my soul
Radiation fed my hunger
My warmth
The older I became the higher I was
Peering to my friends below,
And all around
Trembling in the wind
Well seasoned I did begin,
To feel a chill coming from the end
A change in the tone I once grew accustomed to
From Illuminated green to mellow brown
My life detached from mother
From the life force
To hit the ground
To lie in wonder, to fly
Away with the breeze, the heavens
Never to be seen again for I am set free.

I am Leaf.

Friday, May 18, 2012

Love is there...


My life was close to over

Close to never requiring another

You held my heart deep within your grasp

Close to home, as if to wear it upon your chest

Eskimo kisses just to randomly make each of us smile

Your tongue partially being shown between your teeth, you grin

Our hands would hug, simultaneously we would squeeze as to express.<3

I'd kiss your lips, pause to peer in your eyes, kiss your nose... then all over your face!

As I try not to miss a kiss on your face, you would struggle and giggle under my forced weight

You would wake me in the mornings with soft kisses and hugs that seemed to be never ending

We would randomly start dancing ballroom style in super markets and places we'd go eat

Our times together I will forever cherish, slightly day dreaming I'd wake in a smile

Knowing nothing was a waste I continue reminiscing and writing in slow pain

The love is there... Humming throughout my veins, caressing arteries

Like fingertips running along smoother skin, reacting, shivering.

Once, long ago I pondered if this is where it all ends

If finding you was the best my legacy sends

We parted, there was a tear in my chest

An empty house surrounding us

Waning as we leave...

Sincerely, for her... My EX.

Chewing over...


Once we were all young, once we all dreamt of adulthood.

I do not remember the day I grew up nor the times once past as a child

Never thought of the day I'd look back and wonder how this life came to be

Questioning the decisions even though the path was taken carefully

We matured young, becoming wise so quick

Showing the world a more positive side over the sticks

But nothing prepares us for seeing ourselves as an adult

I have been fairly busy lately with college stuff and trying to get my dream position for work

And as well as trying to catch up with the books I've longed to read.

I have toured the college I am wanting to attend this fall so as I can transfer in like 4 years

But I have yet to decide of which course I wish to lead. Might I be the Doctor type?

Maybe the listener and solver as the Psychologist...

Or the "Suit" type and live a life shuffling papers building up a career in a corporate world?

I do enjoy the human anatomy, as well as how the mind of humans work, also

the professionalism which comes of being a Suit and office work.
I am by no means an English major because reading and writing are not my forte.
But I did get an excellent score on my ACT 
Hopefully after I retake it I will not be required to take any basic courses.

You as my reader may think otherwise of my ideas.

Thursday, May 17, 2012

Which are we...

Alive, created by Ovum and Spermatozoon

Fertilized through Love and Coition

Growth through a Decidual reaction

Proliferating and forming, Creating ladders

Of membranes and the placenta

 Human's are wondrous creatures produced in a magical, beautiful way.

Evolving into what we see today, learning  a new

Questioning everything we see, yet not caring how it comes to be

Nine months of feasting within the fruitlet 

A capsule which once was a mere germ cell as we...

Within development we could have been crushed, like 

A grape by a Nom from a cute fox or squirrel. 

But i digress...

A fetus to a child and child to an Infant

Expanding in every direction with happiness for each.

Absorbing anything we see, hear, feel as well as experience

Tis a fascinating thing, having and caring for a child.

Development psychologically is much harder to explain though... 

From a one-celled Zygote to Being born... Alive. Just Alive...

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

And so it would seem...


   It seems as though my poems are strong with my followers.

Much as they are accustom to being bound by Love...

Carrying on with the comfort of another, always there to 

be told how you care, yet never understanding of where they need be.

Close to home, a tender heart requires care and aggression

and other forms of truth or dare (X's&O's)

   We love to love whilst thirsting to fear the inevitable... 

Forever is a long wait I wish to bare...
And a dreadful thing to hear become of us
Enduring the passion flowing beneath our skin
Reinforcing the strength throughout our main myocardium.

Losing the dreams which have once brought on wonders
Oasis filled timeline's... most dance showing no end
Vacationing from reality, proving flight attainable
Excruciating, because it's always bedside...

   Sincerely, Nintendo

Monday, May 14, 2012



   I am a man of many words and many forms of self expression.

From poems, sketches, writing and lyrics I find ways of allowing my thoughts be heard.

Although within these past few days I've felt a distant friend... charring my chest.

Once was a lost soul, a man in need of a path paved where the road leads?

The green on the far distant side, with the acceptance from other beings.

Yet, a past creeps and stirs allotted throughout my neural system.

Pain, she's a darker love than the ever changing terms for lust...

though her conditions are clear. Understand, obey i must

because I've no one left to hold, to touch, to trust...

The poems express my dark soul waning to rest

Sketches to see into my mind, through the mist

My writings to hear my breath, it caresseth

Lyrics, ice cold like the heart in my chest

Understand only with the next sense...

I can taste depression in every breath

There's nothing left to lose

Because it's you

whom i trust

Sincerely, Nintendo

Our Mumzies


   Of our generation, the one that follows

and the one prior. The females be young and forced

upon womanhood. But we must pay our respects due...

All the mothers reading this or soon to be mothers, 

please do not underestimate yourselves.Raising a child 

in this world whether you have another person by your

side or not is one of the main reasons we exist. 

Your hard work gets unappreciated and overlooked by 

most, although don't get discouraged or wish to have 

an easier way to raise a child, keep a happy home 

and maintain a healthy relationship... wish for the

strength to endure it and show your children that 

anything is possible. Show your man to be supportive

and caring. Most of all show yourself the strength you

have inside. Life is all and well happiness begins with

your heart so raise your glass and toast to the mothers

who kick ass and to the mothers of those mothers so forth.

Your main instinct is being a mother and your life is how

you make it. Besides since Sunday was all about mothers any

ways i'm sure you had an amazing time but still wish to be

around your child as much as possible, kiss and hug them 

when they are sleeping because well... we all know that's when

they look the most adorable:p. Happy mothers day to all

the moms out there and/or single fathers;)

Sincerely, Nintendo


Saturday, May 12, 2012

Marvel Fans! ^-^/

Marvel: 1602

   Comic books have always been our choice in entertainment 
especially when it comes to collecting, trading and of course dreaming.
We could think up a million things we'd love about being a super hero,
fighting villains having super cool abilities. But the most recent finding
I have come across is called "Marvel: 1602" which contains our
favorite hero's from the 1960's in a way different era dating
exactly as the title states which is the Elizabethan era.
(Published in 2003) Now, in those times they obviously had
no idea what "super hero's" where therefore being accused of witchery 
and bred from the devil, unfortunately this is the situation
our favorite characters are in. And The world itself being threatened
by an unknown force and of course Doctor Doom!:)
Other favorite characters like, Nick fury, The X-Men, Fantastic Four
and Spider-Man as well as Magneto! Exciting i know...

Quite frankly i would recommend
this book to anyone who loves reading, although you mustn't have to like
comic books or any of the sort to love this. I highly suggest you at least try
this one out for size. I won't go in detail of the story line but expect
and amazing read over the uprising within our Marvel characters.
Being in 1602 they are entangled around the struggle
of Britain being terrorized and gaining stability for "Witch-bred"
individuals (Our hero's) and  fear of the planets destruction.
This being said i believe this is one of my more finer finds of readings,
author Neil Gaiman definitely proves to me that there is nothing
like having an old comic book idea and an even older history base theme.

Sincerely, Nintendo

Friday, May 11, 2012

Basic Life Networking

Life/Career Networking

Tonight's post is going to be a little different from the first two mainly
because this one is meant to educate people with a few pointers.
Facts that could potentially help them get to their goals and dreams
a little smoother.

Most of you know what basic networking is in forms
of communication with people who share the same interest or goals
and gain opportunities from one another. In our generation say you
where a student studying cosmetology or music to be a DJ, you would
want your career to start fresh out of college right? Well why not attempt
it while still in school just by getting your name out into the
hands of bigger names or companies via one-on-one conversations with
people who've been in your shoes or a social website promoting your
progress, ideas and your previous work. Hard work and diligence pays off
if you keep up with clients and maintain great performances. For instance
job searching works the same way, the more people you know the less you
need to search, getting to know different people from other areas in the same field
can add job security or even lead to open positions in upper management.
Always have a strong Resume handy, have someone look it over,
have friends you know evaluate your professionalism towards others
and never forget to keep meeting new people.

Words of advice, Do not use "Monster" as a resume builder
Do not have more than one page for a resume
Always go into situations for meeting potential networkers
with confidence and enthusiasm.

Any questions please do not hesitate to ask, G+ and comment let me know if you have any suggestions 
for my next article on my blog. Thanks again
                                      Sincerely, Nintendo