Thursday, August 15, 2013

Bad or Bliss???

This was written April 12th 2011

My poems are questioned

My thoughts be critisized 

My writing is hated

My experience debated

Every ounce frustrated...

Toward my work is neglected

Society is the critisizer 

Complain of a liar

Dark is the only bite-er

Thyne main reader

Is your one and only vampire breader

Dance with the devil

On my every night carn-evil

a kiss on her navil

As she blesses me with a sweet-er

Than life energy o how i need her

See her... free her... and yes i am sure

That she is here beneath the fog i see such a blur

But as i still dance she engraves her love in my brain 

A torch, is what she use's
Cold to the touch; it burns and leaves nothing but

A puddle of blood... a love stain.

But a shame... We go our seporate ways... 

Never to be seen again...

Together no longer and forever to be in wonder...

Where you are and If you miss thee.

Can not ever wait as humans we are naturaly impatient... Without Glee

Infactuated by our own weakness, yet break every barrier between us.

Fate has one flaw and that is time.

The time in the hour glass

The time on your wall

Time in the wait for the time to die.

The times you lie if your're never on time

And the time you sit and wonder...

Ponder on the conversations we could have had

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